Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Seattle Seafair 2009

Seafair occurs for a week each summer in Seattle and includes a parade, fireworks, concerts, and most importantly hydroplane races and flight shows by the Blue Angels. Here we are last Sunday getting ready to watch the planes at a park with a beach on Lake Washington. It looks like one plane in the sky, but it's really six. I couldn't believe how close they can fly together. I love the loops and tricks and the trails of smoke they leave behind.

Alley got to come along too! She did really well, actually.

It was REALLY hot, AGAIN. Alley (and Jon?) went swimming at the dog park beach.

Look at that cute, hot, wet, puppy dog!
I put up a whole bunch of posts today to make up for my lack of updates lately, so make sure to check out all of them! I promise not to be gone so long this time. I'll be back with stories and pictures next week after our big Olympic Peninsula camping trip! We're heading out right now!

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