Friday, February 26, 2010


Our trip back "home" to Michigan at the end of January was a total success.  We drove all over the state and were able to spend quality time with both sides of our family.  We also met baby Esther, the four week old daughter of our good friends Jason and Erica.  Isn't she sweet?  It won't be long until we have our own to hold.
The weather in Michigan was FREEZING.  WAY too cold for our warm Western blood!  But the snowcovered beach of Lake Michigan was kind of pretty.
We made it back to Seattle and have been in major nesting mode, with lots of projects, shopping, and nursery renovations keeping us busy.  More details on all of that soon!

This big red blob is me on Valentine's Day at 24 weeks pregnant.  The bump is sure growing fast!
Winter in Seattle this year has been super mild and quite lovely.  There have been many 55-60 degree sunny days!  Look, the trees have started to bud in February!  My Mom and Dad are here visiting this week and Dad took these pictures on our walk down the Cedar River Trail to Lake Washington.
Whoa!  Pregnant Nicole!
Monday brought gorgeous weather too, so we visited the boat locks in Ballard and had a yummy seafood lunch at Ray's Cafe.

Grandma can't get enough of babies, and attended a baby shower for a co-worker with me on Tuesday night and then helped us entertain Addi, while Gretchen and Ryan had band practice on Thursday night.
Grandma and Grandpa were also a HUGE help with the pets. Our puppy has come a long way since they first met her last spring and they really do adore and spoil her just as good grandparents should!  Alley and Oscar are going to be VERY sad when they leave tomorrow.
Ted and Terrie head back to Michigan tomorrow, but I'll be heading back in just two weeks for my first baby shower, so we won't be apart for long.  I will post again soon with baby project pictures!