Monday, March 9, 2009

Meet Addi!

Our dear friends Ryan and Gretchen have a new baby girl!!!
Advent Evangeline MertesThey are calling her Addi. She was born on Tuesday, March 3 at 4:28pm in Portland, Oregon, weighing almost 7 lbs and 20 inches long. Addi has been adopted by Gretchen and Ryan and here is the Mertes three with the birthmother, Cassandra. She is one of the most amazing, strong, and brave women I have ever met. Gretchen and Ryan began the adoption process back in October, and after one other situation that didn't work out, were connected with Cassandra in December. She graciously allowed the proud parents to be a part of the pregnancy, attending all of her medical appointments and being present for the birth. Unfortunately, Ryan was unable to always get time off from work to travel to Portland with Gretchen for Cassandra's adoption appointments, but fortunately, that meant I was able to accompany Gretchen on the adventures three different times, and get to know Cassandra up close and personal myself! It's been a crazy, emotional, joyous up and down adoption journey for sure. Gretchen and Ryan did their best to keep all of the details private until the adoption was finalized, which finally happened Friday afternoon. This is pretty difficult when you work for a church! Jon and I have been absolutely blessed to build such a close relationship with Gretchen and Ryan and we truly are "family" now.
A tearful Gretchen called me on Thursday night, looking for comfort and support and asking that Jon and I join them at the hotel in Portland! We scrambled to wrap up loose ends at work and find an emergency pet sitter, but by lunchtime on Friday we were on the road. I cannot find the words to describe how special it was to be able to hold Addi at just days old, and to give Gretchen and Ryan some much needed reassurance and opportunities to rest. Don't we look good holding babies? So sorry to all of you who thought I was going to say I am pregnant, because I am not, and we're not even trying just yet, but let me tell you, I am very anxious and excited for our time to come! We have been very wrapped up in the Mertes adoption journey, and although it's been crazy, it is truly a joy, and we are so very excited to be Uncle Jon and Auntie Cole for precious little Addi. It feels so good to finally tell you all about the adventure that has been consuming much of our time, energy, and emotions over the past week and even months.
One more are Gretchen and Ryan with the 5 ft tall stuffed giraffe Jon and I gave to them for the nursery the night before they left for the birth in Portland; another special evening, sharing dinner and spending final time together before we were a party of 5 instead of 4! This is just the beginning of the presents. Jon and I will be busy helping to plan and host both a personal and church baby shower for The Mertes Family over the next few weeks. There is MUCH to celebrate!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Oh Baby!

Jon says we don't need to have a baby because we already have one. She's on the hairy side.
I owe you all a thank you and an apology. I am so grateful to have heard several reports this week that our blog is being read, enjoyed, and appreciated, and I am so sorry that my posting has been so sparse. There's something pretty huge and fantastic and exciting that's been building in our life over the past few months, weeks, and now days, but unfortunately, it's not quite time to release the breaking news to the world wide web, so stay tuned. I know it's hard to believe, but it's true, there's bigger news than our adorable new puppy...
Is it just me or is Alley HUGE already!!???! You can even tell from pictures how big she's grown! I took her to the vet on Friday for her required second set of shots before our first day of school the next day (Is it just me, or is a puppy eerily like a child?) and she has gained 7 pounds in the last three weeks, weighing in at a whopping 30 lbs.

Here we are on our first day of Puppy Kindergarten...

I'm unsure about one dog, so you can imagine that an hour and a half in a room with 30 dogs was just a party for me. We sat around the edge of the room, and each dog was given a bone to preoccupy themselves with while the proud parents were loaded with a lecture, mostly focused on housebreaking. Praise Jesus that Alley hasn't had an accident in days. *crossing my fingers* The first lesson was a bit anti-climactic, but hopefully things will liven up in the weeks to come. We did learn what the absolute most important thing for a dog to know is; do you know? Guesses? It's their name. Alley almost always responds to me when I call her name, but unfortunately has gotten used to my high pitched tone, and doesn't seem to understand Jon as well. We learned a game to practice her name for homework. I must give Jon absolute props for being puppy Daddy of the year. He scoops the poop, and dutifully walks the dog every morning at 6am, usually after being out of bed once before at 4am to let her outside. What more could a newlywed wife ask for? Tonight he even walked Alley in the pouring rain! I missed a great picture of the dripping wet duo. Darn it! Another school assignment accomplished; get your dog used to the rain...check!

All is well on the West Coast at the VanderMeulen's. Alley is still a puppy, but has finally become "real" and not just what at first felt like a figment of my imagination, clumsily bounding around our house.

I promise to fill you in on our secret great joy very, very soon...hopefully within the next week. Peace and love...always!